Isseré is known for its bright bold colours and its feminine designs. Bringing out a bolder more confident version of YOU!

Isseré was inspired by the italian word bennésere. Which means wellbeing. comfort, ease, safety. A bikini is a symbol of a womans confidence and comfortability in their body. Its a woman's way of loving themselves in their true form. UNBOTHERED BY THE OPINIONS OF OTHERS DESPITE THEIR BODY SIZE, FLAWS, SKIN COLOUR, AGE. EVERY-BODY IS A BIKINI BODY!

founder & creative director
Isabelle Yong
Hi my Isseré babes, its Issy here! And this story issn't very cute but here goes.
Once upon a time, I truly hated my reflection. I felt like I was cursed and hated everything about myself. I mean it was kinda hard to have confidence or even like my body because everyone around me at that time told me being curvy, having a belly, rolls, stretch marks, kerostis pilarisis on my arms. The things they made me obssesed about changing was my body. The sad part was, I believed them for so long. I was depressed and racked up a couple of eating disorders as I grew up.
I covered myself up wearing oversized t-shirts, long sleeve jackets even mens boardshorts to hide my thick thighs. I hid myself and my entire identity behind those ugly baggy clothes. The crazy thing was I wasn't even a fat kid or a fat teenager. I was beyond normal. But my body dysmorphia took over my entire mind from the age of 8-22. I gained weight over the years from the yo yo diet trends, extreme excercise, binge eating and my bullemic disorder.

One day I decided that I was tired, tired of hiding who I am and what my body looked like. I was encouraged by lots of my friends to try a bikini one summer day in Adelaide, Australia. I still remember that floral pink frilly triangle bikini from a store Dotti.
I was shocked when I actually saw my reflection in the mirror and it felt like a lightbulb went off. Along with a voice so serene in my head that said "this is you, can you see her?". As cheesy as this sounds it felt like I was looking at myself for the very first time. No foggy stained glasses of my insecurities but a clarifying crystal clear happiness. This feeling I had made me feel so powerful, so strong, so confident and loved. My passion is to recreate this feeling for all women. & that's how Isseré was born.
I know a lot of women and young girls dream of wearing a bikini. And its this wildly insane thought you have to look like a Victoria Secret Model. But what if it isn't? Do you really wanna spend your whole life being afraid of a couple strings and triangles? Going on holiday envious of the girl who could.